Music & Lyrics: Jor Baldwing.
Feat. Carl Sligerant (voice) and Mireia Pascual (voice)
There’re so many noises all around
There’re so many worlds out there that you ignore
There’re so many thoughts, so many different souls
Bet that they make sense, oh yes, you can be sure
Listen to the others as they were from yours
Don’t be ever blinded by your prejudice
Feel the feelings of the farthest of your bro’s
Empathy is the strongest of all sorceries
Listen to the pulses
Enjoy the other’s joys
Cry the other’s sorrows
Be fair with your voice
Listen to the other talks
Share your wishes and fears
Listen to the strangers
Don’t make stranger shields
There’s always a child inside your foes
There’s always a foe after a wounded pride
Careful with the pure ones and their rigid codes
Don’t judge lightly the pervert’s tormented mind
Don’t believe those ones that say they have the truth
Do not join the hordes of the obtuse or cool
Once I thought I was a sane and tuned wise dude
But it was when I was more detuned and fool
Listen to the pulses
Enjoy the other’s joys
Cry the other’s sorrows
Be fair with your voice
Listen to the other talks
Share your wishes and fears
Listen to the strangers
Don’t make stranger shields
Listen to the music
that’s behind the storm
Shake off all the shadows!
Thrill to their magic songs
Listen to the folks
Let’s listen to ourselves
We belong to this world
Get out of your shell!
Listen to the music
that’s behind the storm
Shake off all the shadows!
Thrill to their magic songs
Listen to the folks
Let’s listen to ourselves
We belong to this world
Get out of your shell!
Listen to the pulses
Let’s listen to ourselves
We belong to this world
Get out of your shell!